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When Is the Best Time for a Mommy Makeover?

Posted March 01, 2017 in Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift Surgery, Liposuction, Mommy Makeover, Tummy Tuck

Carrying and nourishing a growing baby for nine months is an amazing accomplishment, and pregnancy can be an incredible experience. A woman gets to feel her baby grow inside of her and experience every moment as her child develops. However, along with motherhood comes sacrifices, especially to the female’s body. The abdomen accommodates for a growing baby by expanding throughout pregnancy. The breasts enlarge to provide room for milk production for the baby. Once a woman has been through pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding, her body may not be able to return to its pre-baby state, even with diet and exercise. Many mothers consider Mommy Makeover surgery, which entails a combination of plastic surgeries designed to restore a mother’s physique.

Questions to Consider Before a Mommy Makeover

Women interested in Mommy Makeover surgery should consider a few things before committing to any surgeries.

Before and After Tummy Tuck SurgeryHave You Already Tried Diet and Exercise?

Some women may think surgery will provide them with a miracle solution to achieve their body goals. Although Mommy Makeover surgery is an effective option for mothers who are unhappy with their post-pregnancy bodies, it will not help them to lose a significant amount of weight. It is important that patients have already tried diet and exercise to lose their baby weight and that they have been at or near their ideal weight for at least six months.

Are You in Good Physical and Mental Health?

Plastic surgery is surgery. Patients should realize that there may be risks and side effects associated with their procedure(s). Being in good physical health will ensure a safe and efficient surgical process. Most procedures involve general anesthesia and a few weeks of recovery time. Patients should practice healthy habits, such as refraining from smoking and drinking, before and after surgery. They should be willing to maintain their results with a healthy lifestyle. Also, having realistic expectations and being mentally ready for surgery are important characteristics potential patients should exhibit.

Are you Done Having Children?

A Mommy Makeover will completely rejuvenate a woman’s body; however, results are not permanent. Women who benefit the most from the surgery should be done having children. Future weight gain and alterations to the body from another pregnancy can reverse the Mommy Makeover results. Women should wait at least six months to one year after childbirth before scheduling their procedure(s).

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons can provide you with additional information about how soon is too soon for your Mommy Makeover.

Your Mommy Makeover Options

Once you have decided that you are ready for your Mommy Makeover, Dr. Cohn can evaluate your body and help you choose the right surgical plan. He may suggest undergoing one or a combination of the following Mommy Makeover procedures:

  • Breast augmentation surgery: Some women experience a significant loss of breast volume following pregnancy. Breast augmentation surgery is designed to enhance the size and shape of the breasts using saline or silicone breast implants.
  • Breast lift surgery: In addition to the loss of breast volume, some women are left with sagging skin caused by dramatic fluctuations in the size of the breasts. Breast lift surgery can be performed to correct mild to moderate sagging by removing excess breast tissue and skin and then lifting the breasts into a more youthful position.  
  • Tummy tuck surgery: The abdominal tissues expand during pregnancy, resulting in stretched skin and weak abdominal muscles (diastasis recti). Tummy tuck surgery involves the removal of excess tissue and skin from the abdomen along with the tightening of the abdominal muscles.
  • Liposuction: The body naturally stores excess fat to provide room for a growing baby. Many women find they cannot get rid of areas of troublesome fat with traditional weight-loss methods. Liposuction can be utilized to remove excess fat using a narrow metal rod (cannula) hooked up to a vacuum device.

Find out if a Mommy Makeover is the best option for you! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Cohn by calling (205) 590-9900 or by filling out our online contact form.
