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Yes – Men Get Tummy Tucks Too

Posted December 08, 2023 in Tummy Tuck

More men are becoming open to cosmetic surgery, which is a fantastic change– improving your body and self-confidence is a win-win! One of the most popular procedures for men is the tummy tuck. It can give men and women alike the youthful look of a toned, flat abdomen.

Cropped image of a very fit man looking down at his torso

A tummy tuck is one of the most transformative cosmetic procedures available to men, providing excellent results for so many.

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a body contouring procedure that targets sagging or excess skin and pockets of fat around the midsection and abdomen. As we age, or due to weight fluctuations, parts of the core can become flabby. Often, diet and exercise do little to help.

If you’re still not seeing results from the gym, or if excessive loose skin is causing your abdomen to look displeasing, don’t worry; it’s not a personal failing. The aging process, genetics, and hormonal changes can make it extremely difficult to attain the results you desire from exercise alone. And when it comes to excess skin, surgery is typically the only answer. A tummy tuck can give you results you might not otherwise achieve.

The Tummy Tuck Procedure

Every plastic surgery procedure begins with a consultation. Your board-certified plastic surgeon will listen to your goals and questions, give you a physical assessment, and create a customized surgical plan to best address your needs.

Dr. Cohn is a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience providing natural-looking, yet dramatic body contouring results. He offers personalized tummy tuck techniques that are designed to address the unique needs of the patient best.

During the procedure itself, your board-certified plastic surgeon will make incisions along the hips, before removing excess tissue and in some cases, will remove stubborn pockets of fat via liposuction. Next, if the abdominal muscles have stretched, he can surgically tighten them for a smooth, flat surface. Excess skin that causes the “flabbiness” will be excised, while the remaining skin is draped into a more pleasing contour. Finally, the incisions will be neatly closed.

Tummy tuck surgery for men is performed outpatient, typically using general anesthesia for optimum comfort. You will feel no pain during your procedure. As you will be recovering from anesthesia, it is required that you have a responsible adult drive you home.

What Is Tummy Tuck Recovery Like?

The tummy tuck recovery process will vary from patient to patient, and Dr. Cohn can provide you with personalized, specific aftercare instructions.

Generally, the first few days after your tummy tuck, you may experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort. Most patients can manage pain with over-the-counter pain medications. As tummy tuck surgery involves surgically tightening the abdominal muscles, you must refrain from physical activity until you are cleared to do so.

The most successful, short recovery periods occur when the patient follows all aftercare instructions carefully. Take this time to rest and allow your body to heal–soon, you’ll have the body you’ve always wanted.

Tummy Tuck Results

Following your tummy tuck, you can expect a firmer, tighter abdomen. Excess skin that once created a pouch and stubborn pockets of fat will be removed.  Once fully healed, your surgically tightened abdominal muscles will function more efficiently, allowing you to make more out of your workouts.

Once your surgeon clears you, you can more efficiently engage in core exercises that can only improve the result of your tummy tuck.

Tummy tucks for men offer the ability to start fresh: eliminating stubborn fat and skin, sculpting a more appealing abdomen, and strengthening abdominal muscles for a flat, toned, contoured midsection.

Interested in Tummy Tucks for Men in Birmingham, AL?

In addition to the male tummy tuck, Dr. Cohn offers many cosmetic procedures specifically for men, such as gynecomastia reduction and liposuction. If you are ready to get started on the body of your dreams, call us today at (205) 590-9900.
