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Men’s Tummy Tuck
in Birmingham, AL

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Men’s Tummy Tuck

For many men, diet and exercise are not enough to achieve the ideal abdominal contours they desire. Weight fluctuations can cause the abdominal muscles to stretch and the skin to become loose. Excess fat often accumulates as men age and creates a soft or protruding midsection with obscured muscle definition.

Can Men Get Tummy Tucks?

While some think tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) is just for female patients, men get tummy tucks quite often. They may want a men’s tummy tuck after weight loss or due to aging concerns that have left them with abdominal laxity.

The tummy tuck for men is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat while tightening lax muscles. While the overall procedure is done similar to female abdominoplasty, Dr. Cohn uses specific techniques to create more masculine abdominal contours.

What Can a Tummy Tuck for Men Do?

How Is Men’s Abdominoplasty Done?

  • A mini tummy tuck for men is performed to correct sagging skin on the lower abdomen. Some muscle tightening can also be done with this technique to help define your six-pack and create a tighter-looking abdomen.

    Typically, this procedure is appropriate for individuals with minimal muscle laxity and skin excess that is predominantly confined to the area below the belly button.

    The mini abdominoplasty leaves a smaller scar along the lower abdomen compared to other types of tummy tuck surgery for men.

  • A full tummy tuck for men can tighten muscles as necessary and remove skin and fat. This procedure can help craft a more youthful, masculine physique for the entire abdomen that comprehensively addresses both muscle and skin laxity.

    The first incision is along the lower waistline just above the pubic line, allowing clothing to conceal the scar. This lets Dr. Cohn remove unwanted fat and skin from your lower abdomen. The second incision is made around your belly button to allow the belly button to be externalized.

  • An extended tummy tuck is similar to a full tummy tuck for men, but the lower incision will extend around the hips and potentially to the back aspects of the waistline.

    The longer incision allows Dr. Cohn to address unwanted skin and fat on your flanks, back, and abdomen, when indicated. These longer incisions also give greater control to address laxity that may be more circumferential than what is addressed by a standard abdominoplasty. This results in smoother and more symmetrical body contouring.

Man with a trim physique

What Happens After My Male Tummy Tuck?


Men will need a minimum of two weeks off work for tummy tuck recovery. Men whose jobs require significant physical activity may need up to six weeks off work.
After a men’s tummy tuck, compression garments need to be worn to prevent excessive swelling and promote healing. You should expect swelling, redness, discomfort, and bruising around your incision sites during your recovery.


Tummy tuck surgery will leave scars. For a standard tummy tuck, the scar will stretch from hip to hip just above the groin. For an extended abdominoplasty, the scar will continue around the hips onto the sides of the lower back.

All abdominoplasty scars can be concealed under clothing and will fade with proper care over time.


Tummy tuck surgery is performed under general anesthesia; therefore, you should feel no pain during the operation. However, you may experience moderate to significant pain during your recovery that can be alleviated with pain medication.


Your initial male tummy tuck results will be visible within six weeks as swelling around your incision sites fades. Final results may take six months to become visible.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tummy Tuck for Men

  • The cost of a tummy tuck for men will vary depending on the extent of correction. In general, the more extensive the operation, the higher the cost.

    In addition, combining other procedures like liposuction can increase the price of your male tummy tuck.

  • The results of a male tummy tuck are long lasting in most cases. Unless you gain significant weight after your operation, your muscles will remain tightened, and new fat deposits should not develop.

    Further skin sagging may develop in the decades following your procedure. However, it should take 10 to 20 years before you develop significant skin laxity so long as your weight remains stable.

  • The best way to ensure your results last a long time is to live an active lifestyle with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet. This helps keep your weight stable and your muscles firm and defined. Lax skin tends to develop after significant weight fluctuations, so maintaining a stable weight will help maintain your ideal body contour.

  • Yes. Tummy tuck for men is often combined with liposuction treatments. It can also be combined with male breast reduction (gynecomastia surgery).

  • All surgical procedures have potential side effects and risks. Tummy tuck risks include:

    • Infection
    • Fluid retention
    • Bleeding
    • Scarring
    • Anesthesia reaction
    • Numbness
    • Skin discoloration