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3 Ways to Slimmer Legs

Posted September 16, 2019 in Thigh Lift

The legs, specifically the upper thighs, are infuriatingly troublesome spots for many women. Even with exercise and a healthy diet, fat in this area can still be unresponsive to all of your hard work.

This frustration motivates many women to look for different solutions to their stubborn thigh fat. Luckily, there are several cosmetic procedures that target unwanted fat, skin, and dimpling on the upper thigh. This guide is all you need if you want to know how to get slim legs.

Young beautiful woman in white cotton underwear sitting and touching legs

*This image is a model and not an actual patient.

1. Liposuction

The thighs are a common area for women to develop and retain excess, unwanted fat.

Liposuction surgically removes exercise and diet-resistant fat pockets, producing slimmer thigh contours. This procedure uses a multi-step process that first injects a solution to loosen the fat and minimize bleeding, and then uses a suctioning device to vacuum the fat cells out through small incisions.

Since the number of fat cells in your body stays the same (weight gain causes their size to increase), liposuction offers long-lasting results. This is an excellent option for women looking for ways to slim legs and thighs fast.

2. Thigh Lift Surgery

Often, women who lose weight or undergo liposuction on the thighs are left with skin laxity. While liposuction is ideal for targeting and eliminating excess fat, it does not affect the elasticity of the skin.


Thigh lift surgery removes lax skin on the upper thigh by making trimming away excess tissue on the inner thigh. The thigh lift scar heals well and is not readily visible when standing or sitting naturally.

Thigh lift surgery and liposuction are excellent combination procedures because they allow for slimming and sculpting.

3. Cellfina™

Cellulite can develop on any woman, no matter their weight.

Cellulite does not occur from being overweight or under-toned. Cellulite develops when fat cells push through the connective tissue and become trapped between that tissue and the skin.

Women’s tissues do not run in a criss-cross pattern as men’s do. As a result, it is more likely for women to experience cellulite.

Cellfina™ is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces the appearance of cellulite on the thighs. This treatment uses a fine needle to sever the connective tissue beneath the skin to release fat deposits.

Cellfina™ can be performed by itself as a cellulite treatment or as a follow up to liposuction or thigh lift surgery.


These procedures are done to slim and tone the thighs; they are not designed for weight loss.

Candidates should be physically healthy, at a stable weight, non-smokers, and have realistic expectations for their results.

For more information on these procedures, contact Dr. Cohn by calling (205) 590-9900 or by filling out our online contact form.
