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Get Rid of Your “Double Chin” With KYBELLA®

Posted July 05, 2016 in KYBELLA®

When someone looks in the mirror and all they can see is fullness beneath their chin creating the illusion of a “double chin,” it can make them insecure about their overall facial appearance. Many people steer away from taking photos or attending social events when they carry excess fat under the chin. This can age the appearance of a person’s entire facial structure, making him or her look sloppy and haggard. Even with regular diet and exercise, a healthy lifestyle is no match against the dreaded fat beneath the chin.

KYBELLA® Before and AfterSay Goodbye to Submental Fat!

For many years, people have been battling submental fat by undergoing surgery, which entails a lot of downtime and discomfort. KYBELLA® is a non-surgical treatment designed to target fat beneath the chin. It involves no downtime and gets rid of chin fat for good. KYBELLA® has been helping people achieve dramatic results without having to undergo an extensive surgery or long recovery.

How KYBELLA® Works

KYBELLA® is a quick and effective treatment that can be done in the office, and it takes less time than the average person’s lunch break. The KYBELLA® solution is injected into the area beneath the chin, where it works to destroy the fat cells. After the fat cells are gone, those cells can no longer store or accumulate. Most patients achieve optimal results within two to four treatments, which should be spaced at least one month apart.

No Downtime

After each KYBELLA® treatment session, patients can return to work and regular activities. They may experience some minor swelling and bruising, which should subside within a few hours.

Safe and Effective

KYBELLA® is a prescription medicine that is FDA approved for treating fat in the submental area. It is safe and effective for improving the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat under the chin.

Overall, patients will notice a slimmer facial appearance and a more defined facial profile after undergoing KYBELLA® treatment. They can smile in pictures again knowing their “double chin” is no longer an obvious issue causing them insecurities.

To learn more about KYBELLA®, Dr. Cohn is an experienced plastic surgeon who can help you eliminate submental fat. To schedule your consultation, contact us by calling (205) 590-9900 or by filling out our online contact form.
