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Neck Lift
in Birmingham, AL

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Neck Lift

A neck lift is a combination of procedures that can restore a firm, smooth, youthful appearance to your neck. Depending on your goals, the procedure could be a combination of treatments. The procedures generally performed during a neck lift include cervicoplasty, platysmaplasty, and liposuction. Cervicoplasty is performed to remove any excess, sagging skin. Platysmaplasty is performed to tighten the neck muscles. Liposuction is used to remove excess fatty tissue. Combining these procedures will not only provide more definition to your face and jawline but can also provide the appearance of weight loss.

In the initial consultation, Dr. Cohn will work with you to develop a plan tailored to achieve the results you desire. If you are looking for a more balanced, complete facial and neck appearance, you might also consider adding a facelift, rhinoplasty or brow lift.

Living a healthy lifestyle by being physically active, maintaining a stable weight, and not smoking will aid in the success and longevity of your neck lift. Realistic outcomes for your surgery and a positive mindset are vital for optimal results.

What Do You Desire?

Neck Lift Procedures

  • A traditional neck lift is appropriate for those who want a smoother, tighter-looking neck. After intravenous sedation or general anesthesia is applied, a small incision is made under the chin and behind or around the ears. The neck muscles are tightened, and any excess skin is removed.

    Sutures or surgical skin adhesives are used to close the incisions.

  • Neck liposuction can be used to remove excess fat from under the chin and on the neck. It can be performed alone or combined with a traditional neck lift. The fat is suctioned away with using liposuction through an incision below the chin or behind the ears.

    As with a traditional neck lift, sutures or surgical adhesives are used to close the incisions.

Woman with clear skin showing her neck



Contact our office at 205-590-9900 to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Cohn. During your appointment we will discuss your neck lift goals. A thorough examination of the treatment site will be conducted, and photographs will be taken for your medical records. He will offer his recommendation for the best treatments and procedures to achieve the best surgical outcome.

You should be ready to discuss your medical history to determine if you are a good candidate for surgery. Dr. Cohn will need to be aware of any medical issues you are experiencing, medications or herbal supplements you are taking, any allergies you are aware of, and if you smoke.

The patient care coordinator will meet with you to discuss options for the surgical location, surgery date, and associated costs. If surgery is scheduled, the patient care coordinator will provide you with preoperative instructions before you leave the consultation. It is imperative that you follow these instructions to ensure your maximum positive outcome and to reduce the chances of any complications.


Every individual’s recovery is different, but you can expect to have an initial recovery of 24 to 48 hours. It will likely be necessary to limit your activity for several days. It is normal to experience some soreness, swelling, or mild discomfort for a few weeks after surgery. Dr. Cohn will notify you when it is time to resume exercise and normal physical activity.

It is critical that you follow Dr. Cohn’s detailed postoperative instructions. A successful neck lift requires proper recovery and care. Surgical incisions should not be subjected to excessive force, abrasion, or motion during healing. He will give you specific instructions on how to care for your incisions following neck lift surgery, which medications to take, how to reduce the risk of infection, and when to make a follow-up appointment.


During your surgery, every effort will be made to minimize scarring.

You should be aware that there is no guarantee that there will not be scarring. Small amounts of scarring can be normal for some patients.


Neck lift surgery is performed under anesthesia, so there is no pain during the procedure.

Some discomfort may be experienced after the surgery, but Dr. Cohn will provide instructions on how to manage this pain with the appropriate medication. Any discomfort should subside over time, but you should contact our office for any sharp or long-lasting pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A neck lift can be combined with other treatments and surgical procedures based on your needs and goals. Dr. Cohn will discuss the best procedures to combine with your neck lift.

  • It can take several weeks to months for swelling to dissipate entirely. The duration of results varies based on each individual’s circumstances. Proper sun protection and maintaining a stable weight will aid in the longevity of your results. Although you can expect to have a more rejuvenated and youthful appearance, your neck will continue to age naturally over time.

  • Both the traditional neck lift and neck lift with liposuction are cosmetic procedures. Cost is a consideration for many patients and may include hospital fees, prescription medication fees, surgical facility costs, testing fees, and more. Cohn Plastic Surgery accepts most major credit cards and can offer information on other financing programs designed to help you obtain your surgical goals.