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Can BOTOX® Cosmetic Mimic a Brow Lift?

Posted January 03, 2019 in BOTOX® Cosmetic

The forehead and space between the brows are two very common areas for wrinkles to form. As you age, your face begins to show the effects of sun damage and constant facial movement. Wrinkles in these areas can create a tired and angry appearance. Lines on the forehead and brows are commonly addressed by injectable or by surgery. These two treatments are BOTOX® Cosmetic and brow lift surgery.

Young woman touching her face

The Benefits of BOTOX® Cosmetic

BOTOX® Cosmetic is an injectable made from botulinum toxin type A. This is a neurological treatment that temporarily paralyzes the muscles in the forehead, relaxing the skin, so wrinkles and fine lines cannot form. This procedure is a non-surgical, non-invasive option that requires no downtime. Smoother, tighter skin begins to show within a few days. The results of BOTOX® Cosmetic are temporary, providing smoother skin for three to six months. You might think BOTOX® Cosmetic is more cost-effective than brow lift surgery but, to maintain the results, you need to factor in the expense of repeat injections.

The Benefits of a Brow Lift

A brow lift can eliminate forehead wrinkles, deep furrow lines between the eyes, sagging skin and wrinkles around the sides of the eyes by lifting muscles and tissue in the forehead. The scar for this procedure is usually hidden in the hairline. This surgical procedure does involve anesthesia, incisions, and a recovery period as well as long-lasting results.

What Result Meets Your Goal?

While BOTOX® Cosmetic has its own set of benefits, even a few that brow lift surgery cannot offer, it cannot attain the same level of correction or the same long-term results. So, while no downtime and less initial cost may sound appealing, BOTOX® Cosmetic may not be the best procedure if you are looking for lasting results. Brow lift surgery addresses the underlying causes of wrinkles and fine lines in the upper portion of the face with long-term effects. Fortunately, either method will provide a more rested, youthful appearance.

To learn more about the differences between BOTOX® Cosmetic and brow lift surgery, contact Dr. Cohn by calling (205) 590-9900 to set up a consultation.

*The image in this blog is a model and not an actual patient.
